Adaptive platform ⟶ Progressive performance

Processes, information
and documents managed by one single
cloud platform.

Technological, easy to use, quick

One single integrated environment for optimising operational management, controlling processes and studying the performance of a building and operations associated with it.


Tutti gli attori coinvolti interagiscono in un unico ambiente.

Interaction is based on a process management model drawing on lengthy experience that can be used by means of a simple platform.

Information, processes and documents always ready at hand

The cloud platform allows direct, safe access anytime from anywhere using a PC, smartphone or tablet.

KPI, reports, functional and spatial analysis constantly updated in real time.

Various integrated dashboards to safely devise strategic visions based on reliable data.

A documents section, so no information gets lost.

One single environment for storing away all the contractual, technical and administrative documentation.

Interfaces geared to the requirements of various users.

Information can be organised and visualised intuitively to adapt to various corporate best practices.

More agile procedures for exchanging information with individual tenants.

Notable savings on the time and resources required to manage and control assets.

Intereconnected to
make the difference